Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office GBV Violence Against Children Project

More than 60% of participants reported improved knowledge of the four forms of GBV (emotional, physical, sexual and financial) and greater willingness to report or prevent violence against children.

Written By Thobekile Masilela

On May 30, 2022
Communications Specialist.

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Implementation Period



UK AID, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), UNICEF

Implementing Partners

Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse,

Stakeholders and Collaborating Partner

Royal Eswatini Police Service, Ministry of Education, Department of Social Welfare

Goal of The Project

To ensure that children and adolescents are protected from violence and HIV, learning and equipped with the skills to become active citizens by year 2025.

Target Beneficiaries

2400 Women and Children in Northern Hhohho, Lubombo and Shiselweni Regions

Target Communities

Shiselweni Region- Gege; Magubheleni; Mashobeni; Siyendle; Kaphunga; Kakholwane; Mpompotha; Northen Hohho (Buhleni) - Mhlangatane; Vusweni; Hhelehhele/Lomshiyo

Project Activities

Reaching over 2400 Women and children with increased coverage and access to quality Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Children (VAC) prevention, risk mitigation and response services in Northern Hhohho, Lubombo and Shiselweni Regions.

Summary Results

Total of 20,436 women, men and children were reached with both services and VAC/GBV information, through UNICEF partnerships with Women Unlimited, SWAGAA, NATICC, and Department of Social Welfare, from Jan-July 2021 (reached through a mix of community dialogues, school dialogues, virtual TV dialogues):  4,582 received walk-in and remote response services (SWAGAA -2,138 women and children), (DSW – 2,444 children) 15,854 were reached with VAC and GBV prevention and sensitization messages (SWAGAA -11,426); (NATICC -3,051), (WU – 1,327), (DSW -50). Total of 448 children with disabilities were reached with GBV and VAC prevention messages.



Women Unlimited activities contributed to an increased coverage and access to quality GBV and VAC prevention and response services. We reached over 2000 vulnerable women and children in remote rural communities that suffer from a lack of access to quality GBV response and prevention services. Sexual Abuse – can contribute to a lot of physical, health and emotional trauma. It affects in particular a female’s potential career. GBV ‘kills’ confidence and affects opportunities for women in development or substantial career and jeopardizes educational opportunities or livelihood potential for women. Women Unlimited delivered critical empowerment to vulnerable women and children focusing on such issues including understanding the SODVA 2018, ‘Pimping’, Sex Trafficking and exposure to pornographic material.

Success Stories

More than 60% of participants reported improved knowledge of the four forms of GBV (emotional, physical, sexual and financial) and greater willingness to report or prevent violence against children.

Project Gallery


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